Uncovering Microbial Mysteries Using Sequencing Power

Post Views: 1,422 Microbes are all around us, yet much about them remains a mystery. Traditional methods provide only a limited view of microorganisms’ vast range and complex functions. However, new sequencing technologies are unravelling these microscopic mysteries. From antibiotic resistance to bioremediation, this growing understanding promises a resurgence in microbiology— and a safer, healthier…

New bacterial strain typing methods in the era of genomics

Post Views: 1,370 Microbiology and molecular biotechnology have seen many tremendous advancements over recent years, especially in detecting bacterial infections. One of our previous articles tells you all you need to know about the importance of studying bacterial strains. Bacterial strain typing techniques identify bacteria at the strain level and uncover the genetic diversity underlying…

Causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of bacterial infection

Post Views: 2,887 When discussing gut infections, one often hears “good bacteria” and “bad bacteria”. The distinction is necessary, as not all bacteria are harmful. The gut needs good bacteria to digest food and to balance the load of harmful bacteria that can cause infections. Bacteria are single yet complex cells that do not depend…

Choosing the Best Bacterial Strain Selections for Your Laboratory

Post Views: 2,670 Bacteria are naturally found microbes that are integral to our ecology. They are not only vital for our health and our environment, but they also play an essential role in the field of biomedical research and experiments to understand health and disease. By harnessing the properties of specific bacterial strains, laboratories can…

Fight Weak Immune System with These Important Factors

Post Views: 5,248 The outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 emphasised, more than ever, the need to build strong immunity. Populations worldwide have been forced to review and rethink their lifestyles, seeking different ways in which they can improve their immune system. We know that a robust immune system is essential for healthy living as it…

The Complexity of Co-Infections in the Era of COVID-19

Post Views: 2,932 Around the end of December 2019, Chinese health officials found a cluster of pneumonia in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province. Shortly later, Chinese scientists discovered a previously unknown beta-coronavirus as the likely cause of the illness. SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been renamed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19, like the 1918…

What are the organs most affected by COVID‐19?

Post Views: 22,874 Coronavirus Infection: How Does It Affect Your Body? A virus enters your body through healthy cells and infects them. The invader spreads throughout your body by making copies of itself. The virus predominantly enters the human body through the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) receptors and nasal cavity…

COVID-19 Treatment and Recovery

Post Views: 1,739 COVID-19 is known as a new viral infection. One of the vital biological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and various other viruses is the ubiquity of spike proteins that enable viruses to penetrate host cells and cause infection. The most significant medical concern is a secondary bacterial strain that manifests during or after a…