Microbiome's Role in Combating Oxidative Stress

Post Views: 688 Most people don’t realise that trillions of bacteria, viruses, and other microbes, called the human microbiome, live inside our guts. Scientists are finding that these microbes play a big role in fighting oxidative stress and related chronic diseases. Oxidative stress is implicated in nearly every modern human health condition. It is linked…

A Complete Guide to Understanding the Cell Cycle

Post Views: 2,035 The cell cycle is a fundamental process that governs the growth and reproduction of all living organisms. It is a meticulously arranged sequence of events that ensures the accurate duplication of genetic material and the division of a single cell into two identical daughter cells. Understanding the cell cycle is crucial in…

What are the different types of Nucleic Acid Extraction Techniques in molecular diagnostics? 

Post Views: 3,334 In 1953, an important discovery of the double helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by James Watson, Rosalind Franklin and Francis Crick made huge waves in medical science. The study of DNA structure has since inspired many advancements in genetic science, especially in the field of molecular diagnostics or testing.  Over two…

Serum or Plasma: What are their uses, and which is better for research purposes? 

Post Views: 4,911 Blood and serum are two of the most essential components of blood. While both comprise the liquid elements of the connective tissue that is blood, they differ in many ways and have various applications in medical research.    We know that blood extraction and collection is a common routine, one which enables us…


Post Views: 1,635 WHAT IS HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS INFECTION? Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common, sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is easily transmitted during sexual contact. Most Human Papillomavirus or HPV infections will disappear with no treatment, but few variants of the virus can cause genital or anal warts or even lead to cancer. HPV cannot…

What are the different types of molecular or genetic tests?

Post Views: 1,984 In the field of medicine and scientific research, molecular testing or genetic testing is the new buzzword.   What is genetic testing?   What are the types of genetic testing methods?   In this article, the experts at Helvetica Health Care (HHC) give you the lowdown on everything you need to know about molecular testing…

The Use of Molecular Testing for Melanoma Diagnosis

Post Views: 2,039 Melanoma or cancer of the skin, while one of the most common of all cancers, is also often the most serious, with a high incidence of fatality. Melanoma is extremely tough to treat, especially after it metastasises. Metastasis is when melanoma cancer cells spread to other parts of the body and grow.…

Molecular Methods and Platforms for Infectious Diseases Testing

Post Views: 3,499 Molecular assays have considerably improved the field of infectious disease diagnostics, especially with the superior responsiveness and specificity linked by presenting clinical laboratories with accurate and rapidly obtained results. Recent advancements in Molecular Diagnostics and the availability of commercial Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (NAATs) based assays have transformed the way researchers perform…