General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Our company Privacy Policy and GDPR
Privacy is important for our company. As being a Swiss company, it has been always part of our culture and a strong commitment for us. Customer information is stricly used for the process of customer’s requests and orders. We apply systematically our corporate privacy and security policy which is constantly reviewed in order to ensure that measures and instruments are up to date with available international gold practices.
What individual information is stored?
We take care of details relevant for processing customer’s requests and orders and maintaining the business relationship only. Typically names, e-mails, phone numbers and company addresses are retained. No pictures, videos or anything other than the mentioned information is stored.
How individuals information is used?
We strictly use information for finalising and processing orders and for communicating company news. Information is not passed or sold to any third part or used for any other use other than what indicated above.
How information is stored?
We store your information applying the highest business standards in terms of IT security. All workplaces and devices are protected with the best available tools on the market while maintenance and monitoring is costantly done. All our servers and cloud storages, as well as connections to internet used in house and while off site are encrypted. Suppliers providing related IT services are required to apply similar measures.
Access and management of individual personal data
Any individual can request how his/her personal data is used. There is also the possibilty to request the complete cancellation of data.
Related to this subject, our Privacy Policy is available on our website. The combination of those 2 documents ensures that minimum required personal information is safely stored and remains availalble for your review at any time.
For any other question or comment, do not hesitate to contact our customer service