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NATtrol Pneumonia Panel-Atypical Bacteria & Viruses

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NATtrol Pneumonia Verification Panels: NATtrol Pneumonia Panel- Quantifiable Bacteria (NATPPQ-BIO) and NATtrol Pneumonia Panel-Atypical Bacteria & Viruses (NATPPA-BIO)* are formulated with purified, intact virus particles and bacterial cells that have been chemically modified to render them non-infectious and refrigerator stable. NATPPQ-BIO panel contains 17x 0.2 mL vials of bacterial NATtrol and 3x 1.2 mL vials of Negative Control as listed in Table 1. NATPPA-BIO panel contains 12x 0.2mL vials of viral and bacterial NATtrol and 2x 1.2mL vials of Negative Control as listed in Table 2. The panels are supplied in a purified protein matrix that mimic the composition of a true clinical specimen.

NATtrol Pneumonia Verification Panels are designed to evaluate the performance of nucleic acid tests for determination of the presence of viral and bacterial nucleic acids. NATPPQ-BIO and NATPPA-BIO can also be used for verification of clinical assays, development of diagnostic tests and training of laboratory personnel. NATPPQ-BIO and NATPPA-BIO contain intact organisms and should be run in a manner identical to that used for clinical specimens.

BioFire Assays ; Test : Pneumonia / +2° to +8° C. / RUO

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